Entries by admin

Elliott's lawyers, Frank Salzano and Scott Ro

Elliott's lawyers, Frank Salzano and Scott Rosenblum, responded later in the day, releasing a statement that said the league's investigation was "replete with factual inaccuracies and erroneous conclusions." The statement also said the NFL "cherry picks so called evidence to support its conclusion while ignoring other critical evidence," and the incidents in question "likely occurred" […]

"I think the best way I can say this is: I do

"I think the best way I can say this is: I don't understand what it's like to be in that situation. What it is to be pulled over, or profiled, or any number of issues that have happened, that Colin was referencing or any of my teammates have talked to me about," Rodgers said. "But […]

"While I will not address player conduct at t

"While I will not address player conduct at this time, I am profoundly troubled by the fact that players including leaders among the defensive players embraced this program so enthusiastically and participated with what appears to have been a deliberate lack of concern for the well being of their fellow players," Goodell said. Quarterback Colin […]

Lofty expectations are being heaved on Tuitt,

Lofty expectations are being heaved on Tuitt, internally and externally. And if he fulfills them, Tuitt could be in line for a contract that includes a signing bonus comparable to the $15 million Heyward received from the Steelers while in a similar situation two years ago. Watt with the Houston Texans, for example). Near the […]

Carson Wentz attempted six passes of 20 or mo

Carson Wentz attempted six passes of 20 or more yards against the Redskins, completing one a 58 yard touchdown to Nelson Agholor. The targets on his other five 20 plus yard attempts: Torrey Smith (2), Alshon Jeffery (2) and Agholor. He had six or more attempts of 20 plus yards in just three games last […]

Wading into thorny issues of race and politic

Wading into thorny issues of race and politics, Trump comments in a Friday night speech and a series of Saturday tweets drew sharp responses from some of the nation top athletes, with LeBron James calling the president a Hours later, Major League Baseball saw its first player take a knee during the national anthem. "He […]

Darijo Srna ist Rekordnationalspieler und lan

Darijo Srna ist Rekordnationalspieler und langjhriger Kapitn Kroatiens. 2016 beendete er seine Karriere in der Nationalmannschaft. Der Rechtsverteidiger machte 133 Lnderspiele und erzielte dabei 22 Tore. Rekordtorschtze ist Davor Suker. Der mittlerweile 49 Jhrige trug das rot weie Nationaltrikot von 1990 bis 2002. In diesem Zeitraum absolvierte er 69 Lnderspiele und schoss sich mit 45 […]

Lewis, who the day before Diab's tweet had po

Lewis, who the day before Diab's tweet had posted a video to Twitter in which he urged Kaepernick to "Get back on the football field and let your play speak for itself," said Bisciotti and the Ravens were discussing giving the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback "an opportunity." At the time, with starter Joe Flacco […]

My husband is very conservative and opinionat

My husband is very conservative and opinionated about politics. Our daughter has become much more politically liberal over the last couple of years. Jason thinks it is disrespectful of her to not want to listen to him try to influence her to think like he does (he has tried before). I have told Jason she […]

Named for Native American Chief Tishomingo, t

Named for Native American Chief Tishomingo, the city is known as the historic capital of the Chickasaw Nation. Tishomingo city motto is Growing, Beautiful and it is the native home of many noteworthy individuals, such as former NFL player and coach Neill Armstrong and federal district judge Alfred P. Murrah. Tishomingo. The city surrounding area […]