Entries by admin

Their white teammates had no such trouble.. T

Their white teammates had no such trouble.. Trademarking phrases is nothing new: The most famous case is sports announcer Michael Buffer, who currently makes more money from his phrase "Let's get ready to rumble" than he does from actually announcing boxers and letting them know that there might be rumbling. The 22 year old came […]

A reverse is, well, just the reverse.. You do

A reverse is, well, just the reverse.. You don't quit in this house was rule No. Last week at NFL games, four players sat or knelt during the anthem, and two raised fists while others stood by the protesters in support.. Tight ends. Kelly, 53, went 46 7 as the head coach of the Ducks […]

You know, at a sports when some guys were buy

You know, at a sports when some guys were buying knives. Every team in the NFL has one bye week. Bright yellow CFL NFL jerseys, the team got clobbered by the Leduc Wildcats in the round robin but ended up making the adjustments, picking off three passes in the first half, and beating the Leduc […]

So now when (opponents) are looking at someth

So now when (opponents) are looking at something on film and preparing for us, they know who Ty Montgomery is. Once he gets that chance I know he take it far. The all black barnstorming team was established in the mid '30s and trained and played the beginning and end of its seasons here. During […]

"But I think, for the long term best interest

"But I think, for the long term best interests of that franchise, they need to be in a new building. While white is easy to attain, make sure to bring a sample image of the Seahawks logo to the paint store in order to enable the salesperson to give you the exact colors you need.. […]

"They have the right, and we knelt with them

"They have the right, and we knelt with them today. The NFL licensing agreement demands a 100% royalty guarantee (usually $100,000 per year); this means that you must be able to assure NFL Properties that you can pay that amount every year you hold the license.. As thrilling as it was for Patriots fans to […]

The Steelers' Vance McDonald hadn't given up

The Steelers' Vance McDonald hadn't given up on the play, roared in from behind and knocked the ball out of Cooper's hands. With collective bargaining talks cranking up again as soon as this summer, the debate over who's more replaceable the owners or the players will once again come to the forefront. Are the two […]

If in fact it does make the ball easier to se

If in fact it does make the ball easier to see, then it makes sense to keep them. So I trying to make some good out of this situation. Football Game Information By Susan Lundman In January of 2014, ESPN reported that professional football remained America's most popular sport for the 30th year in a […]

"He is just fantastic in every aspect of the

"He is just fantastic in every aspect of the game. The Cowboys always stand for the anthem while lined up on the sideline. Despite their bad rap, a boil and bite guard can be of use when formed correctly. 2 receiver? Woods averaged 50 catches, 613 yards and three touchdowns per season in four years. […]

Avocado : try some guacamole! So good for you

Avocado : try some guacamole! So good for your brain that you could probably never eat enough. Left guard Zane Beadles starting spot is up for grabs this week as the 49ers weigh whether to insert Laken Tomlinson, who was acquired in an Aug. RODGERS RUNS: Rodgers ran for 42 yards, his third highest total […]